Injury Pain Relief with Massage Therapy in Downers Grove, IL – Dr. Mike DeCubellis

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Chiropractor In Downers Grove, Dr. Mike DeCubellis, Offers Natural Spinal Pain Relief

Main Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center and Dr. Mike DeCubellis, D. C., Downers Grove chiropractor, offer natural care and effective solutions for back pain. In contrast to traditional modalities, chiropractic care looks at the cause of the pain and implements procedures to remove the blockages that prevent the body from healing itself.

PRESS RELEASE: Downer’s Grove IL, 15-JULY-2012 – Main Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center and Dr. Mike DeCubellis, Downers Grove chiropractor, are pleased to announce assurances that local residents will obtain pain relief through the use of chiropractic measures. The philosophy of chiropractic medicine is to allow the body to be in charge of its own healing. The techniques are not invasive and do not involve the use of medications.

According to Dr. Decubellis, Downers Grove chiropractor, speaking in a recent interview, “Chiropractors are trained to use very special adjustment techniques, some using only the hands, others using specialized instruments. My approach is to choose the best techniques for your unique situation and condition. Patients who seek chiropractic care can be sure that they will experience the most modern and up-to-date chiropractic techniques available.”

Determining the area of the spinal column where the pain originates is the first activity during a consultation with the doctor. This data can be collected through a physical examination, imaging studies and a verbal medical history. Once the doctor understands the underlying problems in the spine, a care regimen can be designed.

Elements of the wellness program could include posture training and correction, nutritional counseling, massage therapy and chiropractic adjustments. The patient’s education and cooperation is enlisted at each step of the process.

Learn more about methods and techniques utilized to reduce or eliminate pain due to spinal column issues by visiting the website at today. Members of the press and others with additional questions should contact Dr. DeCubellis at the following address.

Contact Person Name: Dr. Mike DeCubellis, D. C.

Company Name: Main Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Address: 6234 South Main Street, Downers Grove, IL 60516

Contact Telephone Number: (630) 435-6461



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Downers Grove, IL Joint Pain Relief with Chiropractic – Dr. Mike DeCubellis


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Downers Grove Chiropractor Helps Relief Wrist Pain Naturally

Living with chronic wrist pain can be frustrating since so many simple, daily actions involve the use of these joints. There are a number of causes for discomfort in the wrists. The most common is Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, but other conditions such as arthritis or an injury can also lead to it. Rather than having to resort to medications or surgery, those who are suffering can try natural therapy from a Downers Grove chiropractor.

The wrists contain a network of nerves, joints, and tendons that are particularly sensitive to excessive strains from repetitive actions such as working at a computer all day. When these become inflamed, painful symptoms such as aching, numbness, tingling, or a shooting pain may be experienced. Fortunately there are several safe and natural therapeutic techniques which can effectively eliminate this pain.

The chiropractor will ask the patient a number of questions pertaining to their pain and will examine the wrists and arms to determine the exact cause of the discomfort. Depending on what the practitioner finds to be causing the pain, he or she will recommend an appropriate course of therapy that can help promote healing and pain relief. The forms of therapy used will depend on what the underlying cause is.

In some cases, the source of the pain is found to originate in the vertebrae of the neck. This happens when there is a subluxation or misalignment in a vertebra that puts pressure on the nerves extending into the wrists. Spinal adjustments are the most effective way to alleviate such problems. The practitioner applies a precise manual force to the misaligned joint to relieve pressure on nerves and force it back into place.

Ultrasound is also used to ease wrist pain. Sound waves this instrument emits generate deeply soothing heat to sore tissues and help relieve inflammation, increase range of motion, reduce muscle spasm, and improve circulation. It may be used in conjunction with massage as well.

Many patients who undergo chiropractic care begin to feel better after a few sessions. This type of therapy is safe and doesn’t have side effects. By consulting a Downers Grove chiropractor, sufferers can receive personalized care that will put them on the road to recovery.

Chiropractic care helps relieve neck, arm and wrist pain effectively. Find more information about a well-respected Downers Grove chiropractor at now.


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Chiropractor In Downers Grove Offers Physical Therapy

A Downers Grove chiropractor offers a multidisciplinary approach to physical therapy, with excellent results for patients. This approach uses the best methods from many different fields, including chiropractic to help minimize the effects of injuries and improve use of the body. As a result, patients receive top quality care at each stage of healing.

Physical therapy has undergone many different changes in recent years. Advancements in technology as well as understanding of the body have helped to improve patient care. Injuries receive care by identifying their cause, reducing their pain and then strengthening the injured area so it is not injured again.

Chiropractic care can also help to speed the injured party’s healing. Chiropractic care treats pain at its source without relying on medication or surgery. The non-invasive practices work with the body’s natural healing ability to provide optimal health and wellness.

Regardless of the level of one’s competition, sports can lead to athletic injuries. Sports chiropractic helps to identify the injury’s cause, reduce the pain and strengthen the area to prevent subsequent injuries. Patients are able to return to the playing field or court quickly and lose a minimal amount of training time. In many cases, they are able to complete a season after injury.

Chiropractic massage can also improve the results of therapy. Manipulation of the soft tissues of the body reduces stress and helps to develop, maintain, and rehabilitate physical function. Chiropractic massage can improve circulation and improve the function of the immune system.

When needing physical therapy after an injury, many victims have learned a Downers Grove chiropractor offers the best option. With a holistic view of the body, the doctor of chiropractic involves help from several different alternative medical fields to provide the therapy that is best for the patient. The care provided helps patients heal quickly without use of invasive procedures. Prevention of re-injury can help keep accident victims from suffering future pain.

Chiropractic care alleviates hip, spine and shoulder pain naturally. You will find more information about an experienced Downers Grove chiropractor at now.

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Chiropractor In Downers Grove, Dr. Mike DeCubellis, Provides Natural Scoliosis Correction

Main Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center and Dr. Mike DeCubellis, D. C., Downers Grove chiropractor, offer safe and effective techniques that improve wellness for scoliosis patients. Chiropractic therapy is natural and doesn’t require painkillers or invasive procedures.

PRESS RELEASE: Downer’s Grove, IL, 18-JUNE-2012 – Main Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center and Dr. Mike DeCubellis, Downers Grove chiropractor, are pleased to announce a well-rounded series of therapeutic measures that have been shown to provide relief of the symptoms of scoliosis. The techniques are natural and non-invasive.

Scoliosis is a painful condition in which the spinal column grows in a misaligned manner. The fact that it is not lined up as is necessary puts tremendous strain on the discs and on the connective tissue which supports the spinal vertebrae. Long-term pressure on nerve roots can cause permanent damage to the nerve tissue.

The symptoms include pain, weakness, poor posture and effects on digestion and elimination systems. The chiropractor has knowledge and experience in addressing many of the intermediate symptoms. Regular therapy will often relieve pain, and can even reverse many of the effects.

Some of the typical measures that are applied to patients include spinal realignment through chiropractic adjustments. The muscles might be improved and loosened through massage therapy. Applications of heat and cold improve circulation which can assist in healing damaged tissue at the cellular level.

Posture correction is an ongoing therapeutic measure with scoliosis patients. The victims may be provided with exercises to strengthen weakened muscles. These are useful in the doctor’s office and at home.

Learn more about the benefits of non-invasive and natural therapies that form the bulk of chiropractic measures by visiting the website at today. Members of the press and others with additional questions should contact Dr. DeCubellis at the following address.

Contact Person Name: Dr. Mike DeCubellis, D. C.

Company Name: Main Street Chiropractic and Wellness Center

Address: 6234 South Main Street, Downers Grove, IL 60516

Contact Telephone Number: (630) 435-6461



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Chiropractor In Downers Grove Helps Locals Get Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Relief

Carpal tunnel syndrome is often associated with individuals who perform a lot of repetitive motions with their hands, including those who text, type, and hand wash clothing a lot. It can be very painful and affect your quality of life in many ways. A Downers Grove chiropractor helps you to better understand your symptoms in addition to helping you to experience relief from this painful condition.

Patients who opt to use the services of a chiropractic doctor to help with their carpal tunnel can expect to be better able to cope with their symptoms. These doctors can effect and recommend a number of therapies that do not involve invasive procedures. Some of these options include support for the wrists, healing massages, chiropractic manipulations and nutritional advice.

Chiropractic doctors will more than likely perform ultrasounds on patients before they start therapy. This will be to identify the exact location of the problem and to assess its severity. This assessment period should not take more than one session and is normally the session where the patient receives wrist supports to wear constantly.

In follow up sessions, patients are usually introduced to healing massages and manipulations of the wrists and elbows. The combination of both helps to alleviate the symptoms of this condition. Patients can expect multiple massages and manipulations until they experience the relief they have always longed for.

During these sessions, the doctor will also give patient’s advice on what activities to avoid and what types of foods to eat. They may also recommend supplements, many of which have supporting studies that indicate their usefulness in this condition. Patients with this condition therefore have a lot of hope in terms of experiencing pain relief.

A Downers Grove chiropractor helps to alleviate the pain you experience from your carpal tunnel syndrome. Although many people may not think this is a serious condition, it can severely affect your quality of life. If you suspect that you have this condition, consult your chiropractor for therapy today.

Chiropractic care alleviates arm, elbow and hand pain safely. You will find more information about the best Downers Grove chiropractor at now.

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Downers Grove, IL Chiropractor for Leg Pain Relief – Dr. Mike DeCubellis


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Downers Grove Chiropractor Alleviates Pain Associated With Bad Posture

Sitting upright and keeping your back and neck straight are often heavily encouraged by parents and guardians in the childhood years. However, as you get older and begin to sit for long hours at your work desk or hunched over your computer, those warnings are far removed from your mind and your posture is slowly worsening. Regain good posture and alleviate mild to severe pain by seeking out the services of a Downers Grove chiropractor.

Bad posture can cause neck and back pain, resulting from the prolonged misalignment of the vertebral column. Your backbone, although strong, is a sensitive part of the body that contains a series of nerves that innervate with many other body parts. Exerting continuous pressure on these nerves can cause pain that range in severity from mild to severe.

Chiropractors in this city have years of experience with patients who develop pain as a result of bad posture. They have designed a series of massages and manipulations that help to rectify this problem, which do not involve medication. The type of therapy they give to patients allows many of them to experience pain relief for the first time in a number of years.

Do not expect to start therapy right away. The objective of these sessions is not to solely treat pain but to find its underlying cause and eliminate it. Therefore, a proper assessment needs to be done to find out where the problem originates from and how to resolve it. This is mainly done by using X-ray machines to view the alignment of the vertebral column.

Once the assessment period is over, expect at least three sessions to start experiencing pain relief. The amount of sessions will ultimately depend on the severity of your problem but you can expect to get your moneys worth. Remember that follow up sessions are equally as important as the initial ones, so do not miss them.

Visiting a Downers Grove chiropractor is probably a good idea for those who suffer from chronic pain, that is only temporarily resolved with pain medication. By contracting the services of one of these professionals, they will be able to treat the underlying causes, instead of the pain when it occurs. This means that their problems will be resolved permanently without the use of prescription or over the counter medication.

Chiropractic care alleviates hip, back, neck and shoulder pain safely. Find more information about a respected Downers Grove chiropractor at now.

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Downers Grove, IL Natural Pain Relief After An Auto Accident – Dr. Mike DeCubellis

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